Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Last Week of Saviors Mortal Ministry

This weeks topic of study is the last week of the Saviors mortal ministry.  Here are the important events that took place each day.
Day 1: He went to the temple
Day 2: He challenged the Jewish religious leadership
Day 3: Jesus stopped teaching in public and only taught the twelve
Day 4: There is nothing recorded for the 4th day.
Day 5: Jesus introduced the ordinance of the Sacrament. He prophesied of his death and indicated who would betray him.  Jesus then went to the garden of Gethsemane and plead with the lord to let this cup pass over him, but said bus as thou will. Christ suffers the pain of all men.  Once Jesus rejoined the apostles he is taken by his betrayer.
Day 6: Jesus is tried in order to discredit him, and is put to death by crucifixion. 
Day 7: In spirit Jesus ministered to the departed spirits.
Day of the Resurrection: Christ has risen and shows himself to Mary.

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