Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DC 14:7

Unit 2 choice 2:3 enterd on my blob @

He that overcometh

We live in a world today that tells us we are accountable to no one.  That there isn't a Heaven and that we when we die, we are dead and that is it.  However, for those of us who believe in Jesus Christ and God we can obtain an eternal life.  There is a little more to just believing that the exist and we are saved.  We need to make sure our actions back up our thoughts. We can strengthen ourselves by staying close to the lord through scripture study, daily prayer, and going to church.

Pollutions of the world

2nd Peter 20-22 teaches us that it better for us to not have known righteousness than to have known it and choose the world. Heavenly Father has given us a way to be forgiven for our sins.  The atonement is a wonderful gift that we must make sure we take advantage of. so that we can return to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  What we must remember is that when we are forgiven for that sin it is as if nothing happened.  However, if we choose to commit the sin again then we didn't really learn to not repeat the sin again and so we are then held accountable for the original sin and it is a harder path to forgiveness.  We learn to seek out activities that will lead us to living a righteous life and not one that will take us away from having and eternal life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hebrews 11

This weeks reading assignment is to list 8 people who demonstrated their faith and the blessings they received.

Name:               Verse:            How they demonstrated Faith:          Blessings they Received:

Abel                     4                Offered a more excellent                    A witness from God that he was
                                               sacrifice                                            righteous

Enoch                5                   He should not see death                      He was not found because God had
                                                                                                         translated for him

Noah                 7                  Being warned of God he prepared         He became the heir of righteousness
                                              an ark to the saving of his house

Abraham          17                  Offered up Issac                                    In Issac his seed will be called

Sara                 11                 She judged him faithful who had promised   She had the strength to conceive
                                                                                                               a child past age.

 Jacob               21               Blessed both of the sons of Joseph               
Joseph             22                 Mentioned the departing of the children of Israel  gave commandments

Moses             29               Parted the Read Sea                                            the Egyptians were drowned

Rahab             31                She believed when others didn't                          she didn't perish

Monday, July 2, 2012

Three Truths about Jesus Christ

Hebrews 1
There of the truths that we are taught about the Savior Jesus Christ are:
The Throne O' God, is for ever and ever
The lord laid the Foundation of the earth and the Heavens are the works of thine hands
Christ sits at the right hand of God

Timothy 6:7-11

Paul teaches us that we come into this world with nothing and we will leave this world taking nothing with us.  Unfortunately. we need money to live and to survive in this world.  However, we should be careful with how we chose to spend our moneys.  We need to make sure that we seek righteous ways to help others who may be in need, rather than use it for evil. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Romans 4:19-22

In this set of scriptures Paul is teaching us that we need to follow the example of Abraham and have faith in the lord.  One of the things I think we get caught up on is wanting answers to our prayers immediately.  We live in a world of immediate satisfaction and forget that its not our timing but the lords. Heavenly Father knows our hearts and minds and we have to remember that he loves us.

Romans 1:25-20

In Romans Paul teaches us that we need to show our love for the gospel.  Paul was not ashamed to preach the gospel and to teach the power of that it holds.  Paul goes on to tell us that one of the ways we can preach the gospel is to live by faith.  With the world turning more and more to wickedness, we need to stand up and say Jesus Christ is our Savior and he was sent here to save us, so that we can live with Heavenly Father.  We need to teach love, hope, charity and compassion. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Forgivness 2 Corinthians 2

We are taught that we need to forgive those who have hurt us.  To some that sounds easier than it is, to those who have Christ in their life that can be made easier.  We want Heavenly Father to forgive us for not being perfect, and he teaches us that we have to forgive as well.  When we are caught up in hating someone then we can't focus our minds and hearts in a Christ like way.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

1 Corinthians 5 Avoiding Sin

Paul teaches the gentiles in 1 Corinthians 5 that they need to avoid being with fornicators and fornication.  Modern prophets teach us the same thing for our time. That we must avoid sexual sin at all cost, so that we can be worthy to return to Celestial Kingdom and live with Heavenly Father and Christ.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Paul 2nd Mission

In Acts 16:9-33 Paul is traveling around teaching the gospel and using his experiences as missionary tools.  Paul is a successful missionary because he seeks out what the lord want in prayer.  Paul teaches us to make the covenants with the lord to keep us safe. In Acts 16:23 the jailer is advised to keep the prisoners safe and watched over. A covenant can be compared to as the same.  When we make covenant with the lord we have the protection of the Lord.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6-13-12 Student Choice Assignment

This week I chose to Compare and contrast Herod and Peter from Acts 12

                                                               Herod, the King             Peter, the Prophet
What motivated each of them                  Anger and Hatred           Love for the Lord

How did they deal with others              He would kill those who       Peter taught with love, compassion and
                                                           disagreed with him                understanding.

How did God deal with them           The Lord punished him            The Lord protected Peter and saved him
                                                       by giving him a disease             from the prison guards and Herod
                                                       and killed him.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Acts 10:18-36

I am taking another New Testament class and again am choosing to blog my answers for my student choice assignment.

In Acts 10:18-36
In verse 34 Peter teaches us that God is no respecter of persons.  Peter teaches us that God does not respect one person but all those who feareth and worketh in righteousness for him.We need to make sure that we are seeking out the things that bring us closer to the lord and to do his will. In this section of scripture, Heavenly Father sends the Holy Ghost to fall on the Jews to testify of the vision that Peter teaches