Saturday, January 10, 2009

The things I have Learned in 2008 and Things I hope to Learn in 2009

I spent most of 2008, thinking that my best friend from high school was in love with me and we would be getting married, what I learned instead was that he was married. I also learned that I am tougher than I thought because I didn't let that beat me. I know that my friends have played such a huge part of that. On the days that it could have gotten me down, all I had to do was call them and then go do something silly or crazy fun. There are times when I miss what could have been, but I am learning that it is his loss and not mine.

I learned to trust the holy spirit. That with the spirit on your side you and do anything.

I read that you should spend time with people under 6 and over 70, well I have the under six part covered. My friend Shandis's kids Xavier and Isabella are two of the cutest kids on the planet. It is hard to be around them and not laugh till you cry.

The things that I plan for 2009:
1.) Sky Dive on my birthday
2.) Clean out my room
3.) take a cooking class
4.) work on learning a new language.
5.) Enroll in school in September.

My wish for 2009 is to just be healthy and happy and to enjoy life to the fullest.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pumpkin Spice Roll

Ok, so when I lived in Idaho with my sister and her family, she taught me how to make a pumpkin spice cake, its really easy it is a spice cake mix and add a can of pumpkin to it. I make it a lot for the guys that I work with cause it can feed a lot of people.

So right before Thanksgiving my friends and I went to an activity at chruch, where we saw a pumpkin spice roll, with cream cheese filling, it was so yummy. So I thought that I could make it for thanksgiving, only that didn't really work out. So I fianlly made it and here is how it turned out. i am very proud of this fact cause it was home made from scratch. No box cake mix was involved.