Thursday, October 2, 2008

My So Called Life

So I was a junior in high school, when this tv show came out called My So Called Life. I recently watched some of the episodes (thanks to Netflix). As I watched it these past couple of days, I can't help but think back to when I was in high school and the friendships that I made. I could find myself relating to the lead character and some of the problems that she went through. As I watch this show and am reminded about the times of high school, I can only say one thing....Thank Goodness that I am no longer in high school and haveing to deal with the stupidness that comes when we are fifteen and think that the whole world is against you.

Unfortunatly, I am not really friends with the people that I was friends with in high school, and as sorry as I am that I am not friends with those people anymore, I am extremely grateful for the friends that I do have today. They are best friends a girl could want. They are there to celebrate the good times, and to pick you up and dust you off when you fall from the bad. They make you laugh till you cry. Rilee, Shandis, Meagan, Joanne, and Jill thanks for being who you are and being such great friends to me.

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